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A Brief Hiatus Ends . . .

As we hurtle towards the end of March, the first 3 months of 2024 have disappeared in a blur of activity. Unfortunately, not all that activity has been directed at ASKTHEBOOKBUG. There is still so much more to do, still so many books and so little time, but it feels important to share that The BookBug is aiming to improve across the board in the next few months.

Life has a habit of giving us a kick in the unmentionables just as we think we're reaching the top of a hill and looking forward to gliding down the slope beyond.

That has happened to the BookBug and knocked us right off track for the last few months. Lots of things going on, time constraints and all the normal detritus and worries of modern life had meant less time and energy to spend on building ASKTHEBOOKBUG.

It has often felt like The BookBug has spent an awful lot of time banging his head against a wall.

But, as we head into spring, with things back on a more even footing, it's time to brush off the cobwebs, dust ourselves off, get back on the horse and all the other trite tropes that go with the basic message of - We're Back and we mean BUSINESS!

And what a business we hope to bring you over the months and years. Our stock of vintage paperbacks has grown, but we've also added more modern classics to bolster our range, our long touted custom print on demand ranges are all but ready to launch and we now have more suppliers, more options and more designs for you to browse.

Check out our Redbubble store regularly for updates on designs:-

Or shop direct from our own gift shop - there's so much to see!

ASKTHEBOOKBUG - books and so much more!

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