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Evolution, not Revolution . . . or a little bit of Spring Cleaning.

Running a small business is hard, let no-one disabuse you of that fact. It is HARD. But, it can be rewarding and, importantly, fun! As a small business, ASKTHEBOOKBUG is always looking to improve and change things, to cast the net wider and further to ensnare - I mean entice - you lovely people into our little world of Book Nerdery.

Running a small business, and having a job is hard, it's doubly hard in fact and making time to do the essential house-keeping of adding stock, doing designs, making posts, finding stock and all the the million and one other things that are involved in ASKTHEBOOKBUG, means that sometimes I fall behind, or, things get muddled.

Today I begin the task of tidying up the clutter on the site. Sorting things out as it were, a bit of spring cleaning, some much needed TLC - in effect, everything in it's place.

Working the night shift at the library turned out to be not such a good idea for Reggie.
I used to be a Werewolf, but I'm alright N o o o o w w w !

So, today there's been a few changes to the site. Bookstores are getting a bit more work on them, a bit more about the sorts of books and authors we look to have in stock, but the biggest change has come in the gift stores. We've overhauled the whole thing, splitting them into manageable and searchable niches. Looking for a gift for the bookworm in your life? Simples, head over to For the Bookworms and check out our range of designs! What could be simpler? Lots of things, obviously but as far as ASKTHEBOOKBUG goes this is a BIG change, and a much needed one.

But me at

In the coming months we will be producing some of our products in house. Mugs to start, which means we can offer our designs at lower prices - which is nice. Further down the road of this little adventure we will have more products, we'll be organising competitions with great prizes and generally just getting on with things.

There's so much we want to add to the book shops. Signed editions from Guy N Smith, macabre tales from the 1950's and 60's, vintage sci-fi classics, cheesy TV and Movie Tie-Ins from the 70's and 80's.

Lots and lots and lots of GREAT STUFF!

And . . . original art! Possibly. Prints of anyway. My stuff, when I get confident enough. When it's good enough. When I have enough. But that's a fair way away. I must Practice, Practice, Practice as I keep telling my learners.

Here's one I made early, nothing dark, just a mixed media sketch of Aberavon Beach - just out of shot Port Talbot Steel Works, so the darkness is lurking . . . I never venture too far from it.

Aberavon Beach April 2024 - Watercolour and Pastel

So, there we are, all caught up. Well, not exactly, but it's underway. Oh, and as a small business we rely on word of mouth, please spread the word, leave a little review on Facebook, just a minute of your time is such a big help. Until next time, when more stuff will have been done, more books uploaded and perhaps some news about a competition - with prizes!

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