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Bloodlist - Book One in The Vampire Files

Author: P N Elrod


I, vampire.

I've always had a weak spot for strange ladies. One very beautiful girl had even warned me that she was - get this - a vampire. But did I listen?


Well, before you know it, I'm being chased by an ugly thug with a gun, and a bullet blasts its way through my back, and - believe it or not - nothing happened. I survived!


You guessed it. I, Jack Fleming, ace reporter, have been transformed into  . . . a vampire!

Which has its advantages. You never die, you never grow old, you sleep all day, and best of all . . .

You can hunt down your own murderer.



ISBN: 0441067956


  • Book in overall good condition.

    Sticker residue on rear, can be removed with care

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