Buck Rogers Rebellion 2456 - The Martian Wars Trilogy - Book One
Author: M S Murdock
Man Came to Mars.
Man saw Mars
In the 25th Century Mars struck back
Mars is a terraformed wonderland made possible by the exploitation of Earth's resources by a monolithic corporate nation from Mars, known as RAM, which combines the worst traits of capitalism and communism. Genetically modified Martians swarm through the Coprates Metroplex, sail the polar Boreal Sea, and ride into space via the Pavonis Space Elevator.
Earth is a polluted ruin, dominated by the seedy urban sprawls and fortresslike arcologies. The people of Earth writhe under the lash of physical, economic and military slavery. Their only hope rests with the New Earth Organisation (NEO) freedom fighters, who are weakened by dissension and treachery.
Enter a man from a golden age, nearly five centuries before, miraculously kept alive in suspended animation. His mission is simple: save Earth or die trying.
ISBN: 9780140133141
Buck Rogers Rebellion 2456
Book in overall very good condition