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Death Match

Author: Leo Kessler


Death Match - The Fourth Grenadiers vs the murdering Cossacks!


Like snow white ghosts, dim shapes filtered out of the howling gloom of the snowstorm. German southern command is crumbling, the so-called 'Iron Division' reduced to a 'Wandering Pocket' in retreat from the Red Army. The Fourth Grenadiers are cut off 500 kilometres from the German front, tortured by the killing cold winter of 1942.

For leaders of regiments, the greater glory of the German Wehrmacht is at stake. For devious individuals like 'Ami' 'Polack' and Carlstens, it simply means soldiering on. Trapped by the system, pinned down by the pitiless blizzards, they're rebel soldiers with nowhere to run!



ISBN: 0708842569

Death Match

  • Book in very good condition

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