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Green Mars

Author: Kim Stanley Robinson


Mars. The green planet.

Man's dream of a new world is underway, but corrupted. The First Hundred have scattered or died, the rebels are underground, planning their utopia, waiting. The transnational corporations aided by the UN are rebuilding the ruined cities and mining valuable resources. They too have a dream. Mars can be plundered, cultivated and terraformed to suit Man's needs - frozen lakes are forming, lichen is growing, the atmosphere is slowly becoming breathable. But most importantly, Mars can be owned. On Earth, countries are being bought and sold by the transnationals. Why not here too? Man's dream is underway, but so is his greates test. Societies are crumbling and re-forming, adapting and reacting to new conditions. The survivors of the First Hundred know that technology alone is not enough. Trust and co-operation are needed to create a new world - but these qualities are as thin on the ground as the Martian air they breathe.



ISBN: 9780586213902

Green Mars

  • Book in overall good condition

    Some minor wear to covers

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