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Author: Lincoln Preston


For generation, treasure hunters have searched for the key to the Water Pit, the labyrinth of shafts and tunnels that honeycombs Ragged Island. Reputed to hide a vast hoard of pirate treasure, the Pit has claimed the lives of all who dared enter and kept its secret safe. Until now.

Lured by this $2 billion prize, a massive hi-tech recovery expedition launches a state-of-the-art assault on the deadly edifice. The island's owner, Dr Malin Hatch, has his own personal reasons for joining the excavation: his brother vanished somewhere in the Pit's fetid chambers some thirty years before.

But as the Water Pit starts to divulge its secrets, so men begin to die. And Hatch, struggling to exorcise his past, begins to understand the true, infernal nature of what it is they have unleashed. For it seems the Pit might not be the gateway to untold riches after all, but to Hell itself . . . 



ISBN: 9780553811896


  • Book in overall very good condition

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