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Sex and Drugs and Sausage Rolls

Author: Robert Rankin


It has always been John Omally's secret ambition to become a rock star. In his youth he mastered air guitar and wardrobe-mirror posing, but he lacked that certain something: talent. But at last an opportunity has arisen for John to get into 'The Industry'. A band called Gandhi's Hairdryer are looking for a manager, so all John has to do is persuade them that he is the new Brian Epstein. It should be a piece of cake. But - and there's always a but - there's something rather odd about this band. Something other-worldly. It might be the lead singer, whose voice has the power to heal. Might she be an angel, perhaps? Or could she be the Devil in disguise? Because, after all, the Devil does have the best tunes. And this is Brentford.

So forget about millennial madness and the coming of the euro. Boogie on down to Brentford. Tune in to the Allotment Wall of Sound. Turn on the Brentford Beat and drop the day job. There's a TV here that needs throwing out of a hotel window.


CORGI 2000

ISBN: 9780552147415

Sex and Drugs and Sausage Rolls

  • Book in overall very good condition

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