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The 9th Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories

Editor: Mary Danby


Tales of Tingling Terror, by 15 Experts in Evil!


The Girl From Tomango

Line upon armoured black line, the carrion crabs were pouring endlessly out from the roots of the sheltering palms, heading for the thing at his feet, in a mad, famished rush . . .


The Sanguivites

In the light of the moon he saw, with horror, that the head was bald, the nose long, thin and hooked, and the mouth smooth and beak-like . . . he'd spent an hour of sex with that?


The Natterjack

Celia was too frigthened to go walking by night. He could be waiting for her, somewhere along the lane, waiting with his great, warty hands . . .




The 9th Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories

  • Book in overall good condition

    Crease to rear cover

    Creasing to spine

    Ink stamp on title page

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