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The Silver Sun: Second Book in the Book of Isle Trilogy

Author: Nancy Springer


Isle was once a paradise. But into this peaceful and beautiful land had come invaders, who - in the name of the Sacred Son - destroyed the land and enslaved the people.

In this mythical tale of splendour and adventure, a spellbinding young man mounted on a great grey horse, rides into the land of Isle. Unknown to the people, he is the son of the oppressive King Iscovar, and his destiny is to free Isle from his father's rule. Armed only with an unearthly wisdom, he is joined by Alan, his blood brother by a strange bond. Together they embark on a quest to turn the tide of evil, and to fulfill the prophecy of The White Hart - the return of the heir of Bevan of Elwestrand.



ISBN: 9780552124263

The SIlver Sun

  • Book in overall very good condition

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