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The Unicorn Quest

Author: John Lee


The Kingdoms of Magic lay shattered beneath the foul machines and poisoned air of Outland invaders. But a prophecy uttered by a tranced Princess set two young champions - the giant apprentice Mage Jarrod, and the Lady Marianna - on a strange and desperate quest, a last chance to save the empire of Strand.

From the college of Magic to a void beyond time and space; through gale torn seas and barren ice-clad peaks; past slavers, ritual child-killers, and the Hight Thrall of the Dead . . . in a world of weird creatures -  fever trees, talking bumblebirds, flying cloudsteeds, huge, savage warcats - Jarrod and Marianna had to find the one creature that could save the Strand . . . the rarest creature of all.

A beast that didn't exist.

The Unicorn . . . and that was the easy part.



ISBN: 0812544005

The Unicorn Quest

  • Book in overall good condition

    Slight creasing to spine

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