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Vampirella 2 On Alien Wings

Author: Ron Goulart


She must kill-or die

Vampirella the hypnotically beautiful alien is an animal of prey, doomed to stalk the earth seeking victims to provide her with food, with life. For her food is blood!

Now, trapped on a deserted tropical island, hunted by ravening beasts, set on her by the devotees of the Cult of Chaos, Vampirella is pursued by the vampire obsessed Conrad Van Helsing who has vowed to plunge a stake into her heart. She must fight against the call of her own bloodlust, but sustain her strength for the battle with implacable enemies.



ISBN: 0722139802

Vampirella 2 On Alien Wings

  • Book in overall very good condition

    Great cover art, no damage, colours vibrant and clear

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