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Wages of Sin

Author: Jenna Maclaine


She is a warrior of extraordinary power - the ultimate creature of the night. Her story is one that spans the ages, from historical England to modern day America and beyond. Welcome to eternity . . . welcome to the night.


Dulcinea Craven descends from a long line of witches, and she has just inherited wild, untrained magical powers that she has no idea how to control. Now a ruthless vampire and an age-old demon are determined to enslave Cin and steal her power for their own. Her only hope is the Righteous, a band of warrior vampires who slay the rogue undead. Among them is Michael, a fierce swordsman who inflames Cin's most primal hungers. Showing her a sensual pleasure beyond anything in the mortal realm, she must choose between the human existence she has always known, and immortality as a vampire - a new life filled with forbidden urges, dark yearning and unearthly passions . . .



ISBN: 9780312946166

Wages of Sin

  • Book in overall excellent condition

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